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​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The Office of Legal Services provides technical and compliance assistance to local government officials regarding various federal and state laws and assists local governments with a broad range of administrative and legal matters, including finance, budget preparation, procurement and surplus property, debts, interlocal cooperation agreements, ethics, conflicts of interest, administrative and personnel policies, roads and road aid, and annexation. The Office of Legal Services is also available to advise local governments concerning the various legal requirements of the state and federal grant programs​ administered by DLG.

The Office of Legal Services serves as legal counsel for the State Local Finance Officer/Debt Officer and assists the SLDO/SLFO in performing his or her statutory duties.

Under the Kentucky Open Records Act, you may inspect any nonexempt public record regardless of your identity and you may seek enforcement of the Act if you are denied this right. All requests for copies or review of public records in the custody of the Department for Local Government must be made in writing. Requests can be faxed to 502-227-8691, emailed to DLGOpenRecords​ they can also be mailed to:

Department for Local Government
Office of Legal Services​
Attn: Records Custodian
100 Airport Road
Frankfort, KY 40601

​Public Private Partnerships Docume​nts